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  • {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans"],"custom":["Hanna","Noto Sans KR","SCDream"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 소 개
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  • 디지털금융 사업
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  • 참여인력

    옥지수 (Ock, Jisoo)



    경영관 A동 411호





    • Ph.D. (2014). Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Rice University

    • M.A. (2012).  Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Rice University

    • B.A. (2008).   Psychology. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities



    [Teaching Interests]

    •  Human resource management

    •  Personnel selection

    •  Statistical analysis

    •  Research Methods

    [ Research Interests]

    •  Personnel Selection

    •  Personality at Work

    •  Statistical Methods

    •  Psychometrics



    •  jisooock.wordpress.com

    학술지 발표



    -Ock, J., & An, H.* (in press). Machine learning approach to personality assessment and its application to personnel selection: A brief review of the current research and suggestions for the future. Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 


    -Ock, J., McAbee, S. T., Ercan, S., Shaw, A., & Oswald, F. L. (2021). Reliability generalization analysis of the Core Self-Evaluations Scale. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 26, Article 6. 


     -Ock, J. (2020). How satisfied are you with your job? Estimating the reliability of scores on a single-item job satisfaction measure. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 


     -Ock, J., McAbee, S. T., Mulfinger, E., & Oswald, F. L. (2019). The practical effects of measurement invariance:  Gender invariance in two Big Five personality measures. Assessment. 


     -Ock, J., & Oswald, F. L. (2018). The utility of personnel selection decisions: Comparing compensatory and multiple-hurdle selection models. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 17, 172-182.


     -Ock, J. (2016). Construct validity evidence for multisource performance ratings: Is interrater reliability enough? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9, 329-333.


     -Hough, L. M., Oswald, F. L., & Ock, J. (2015). Beyond the Big Five--A paradigm shift in researching the structure and role of personality in organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and  Organizational Behavior, 2, 183-209.


     -Ock, J., & Oswald, F. L. (2015). Managing the interpersonal aspect of performance management. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8, 111-119.


     -Oswald, F. L., Ercan, S., McAbee, S. T., Ock, J., & Shaw, A. (2015). Imperfect corrections or correct imperfections?  Psychometric corrections in meta-analysis. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8, 1-4. 

    단행본 및 저서


    •  2017년 한국경영교육학회 우수발표논문상

    •  2016년 부산대학교 총장 표창

    •  2014년 한국경영교육학회 우수발표논문상

    •  2012년 Global Marketing Conference Best Conference Paper Award

    •  2012년 Global Marketing Conference Best reviewer award

    •  2011년 Korean Academy of Marketing Science Excellent Service Award

    •  2010년 한국경영교육학회 우수논문상

    •  2010년 Korean Academy of Marketing Science Best Conference Paper Award

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